Saturday, July 25, 2009

Job hopes and Baby dreams

I have been off of the net for quite a few days. Wed my mom had knee surgery. I've pretty much been at her house helping her with things. Friday I had an interview for a teaching job. It went pretty well. The principal told me that I had some impressive items in my folder. To me that sounds like a great thing! I will hear something this coming week from the principal. I really hope I get a job.

My lovely hubs and I did a few episodes of baby dancing around my O days. The baby dancing was very exciting! Yesterday we went swimming and I started to have these strong stomach cramps (similar to those that I have when AF is here). AF is scheduled to arrive the 8th, so she has a few days. Maybe something good is happening... Having had the miscarriage I am very hesitant to be excited for any of those pregnant peeps who get preggos right away. I am also a little scared to be excited for myself. I have become stronger since the mc, but don't want to have to go through that ever again.

So here is to hoping that having impressive things and stomach cramps are good signs!

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