I am starting to regain my life. I've been feeling great! No lows, no anger, just me. THANKFULLY!! My husband and I decided to really start ttc again. Today I've been looking at my calendar, the one I keep with all of the bodily info on it. I started it in August 08 when we start ttc to keep track of my cycles. I noticied some interestint things. But first I will tell you about this cycle.
The cycle that is currently visiting me started 3 days early. AF has been very very light, with yesterday being the heaviest. AF should depart tomorrow, but I think she is pretty much gone. Yesterday I felt sick all morning. It wasnt until I had lunch that I started to feel better. I noticed that af visited me two weeks before. Strange.
I looked back to March at my last "cycle" before getting our bfp in April. that cycle was similar to this one and it was two and a half weeks after the start of the previous cycle. I dont know if I am making any sense. I'm just a little curious. I wish I could post the two monts on here to see what the readers think. Maybe I am wishful thinking and just dreaming it all up, I dont know. I might go buy a test tomorrow just to see what comes of it.
Here are the two months: March and Aug. August does not have as much information due to having computer issues and not able to chart as much. Whats going on?