Saturday, April 9, 2011

My life has been...

CRAZY!!!!! i've been beyond busy lately. So much so that I havent been able to get on here and tell you whats been going on. The most important thing. I got the call back from the RE. Found out that my body is killing my husbands DNA. How great is that!! I know you may think wth?!? Why is this lady glad that she is killing her husbands dna! well this my friends means that I have answers. Answers as to why I keep having miscarriages. Answers that will help me achieve my dream of becoming a mother. So basically my body is building clots to kill off the hubsters dna of our child. My body is just super strong and only wants me to be in there. Its kinda like a souped up immune system. Found out that I am going to have children! i just have to take (and here is the HUGEMUNGOUS list) Femara, baby aspirin, heparin, hcg trigger, and prometrium. Shoo what a least. But, I'm finally starting to see a light at the end of this infertility tunnel!


  1. Oh, and we found out that Baby J was a boy. We decided to name him Joshua. We always called him a mini version of my husband. Never knew how true that was. I have a baby boy in heaven cheering that we know what caused him to go home to early.

  2. YAY for finding out what was wrong that caused you to lose your babies. With how many times you guys got pregnant with your killer body defenses you should have a sticky baby in no time! Josh must have some super sperm to get around those defenses. I can't wait to hear the good news that is going to be just around the corner for you guys!

  3. I sure hope soo!! He does have super sperm! I knew he brought something good to this relationship!! LOL The nurse and dr seemed that it would happen right away. I sure hope so!!!
